Dog training

December 2018

This month is going to be a busy one and we can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with the dogs! We are busy working on Paw Print ornaments for every dog that steps foot in our kennel. We started the ornaments the week of Thanksgiving and we will do this until New Years. I started making ornaments for the dogs last Christmas and made 89. This year we are already well on our way of doubling that number!!!! We are up to 51 ornaments so far!!!!

We have new trainees starting this week and we will be posting weekly and hopefully daily videos of one dogs progress!!! I picked Ruger to take videos of him because he is a 1 1/2 year old German Shorthair that came by the kennel a month ago and was pulling his owner inside, jumping up, and spastic. Im excited for everyone to see his progress this month!! I’m very excited about this and hope to get better at making videos!!! I’m also extremely camera shy so hopefully I can learn to suck it up and just do it! Stay tuned for more exciting things happening this month and what’s going to be happening in 2019!!!